
Summer Vaca sucks.

It sucks because...
1) My parents are making me do the entire Algebra 2 / Trig textbook before school starts.
2) That's four hours everyday.
3) When I'm not doing math, I'm in front of the computer...
4) Talking to people...
5) Who usually don't respond.
6) Therefore, I spend my time playing flash games.

God, for once I really really really really want school to start.


Today Was Great America Day! // First post.

Hay guise! Since I have nothing better to do, I guess I'm blogging?
So anyway, we went to Great America today.
Personally, I thought the food was very overpriced and the lines were too long. But it was F*CKING AWESOME! :3
I went on my first / second real roller coaster todY *w* It was the Grizzly. While we were going up I screamed 'ARE WE THERE YET?' and including 'I'MMA RIDE THIS NAUGHTY DONKEY!'
Speaking of my screaming 'I'M RIDING THIS NAUGHTY DONKEY!' I personally screamed that on every ride I went on. Perhaps I attracted quite a few stares, but... now I realize... I really don't give a shit?
There was one incident while we were waiting in line and Catherine said,
"You stick it in for me!"
And I just started gleaming, as Amanda puts it. AKA smiling really creepily. And they accused me of being a pervert. And I didn't even do anything. Seriously now...
I nearly screamed myself mute. It was pretty awesome.
I was very happy when I saw the sign '3.00 BULK CANDY' in big letters...
and then 'for 1/4 lb each'. Overpriced industry fat cats. I hate you.